Recovery Alive at South Cleveland is a safe place for you to come and DO recovery. No matter what you struggle with, you are welcome. At RA, we want to meet people where they are, not where we want them to be. We are raising hope from the dead!
Facts about Recovery Alive
Recovery Alive we prioritize the POWER of Jesus through the Holy Spirit to raise HOPE FROM THE DEAD.
Recovery ALIVE is an organic, living program representing a living God!
Our program harnesses the unchanging TRUTH of Jesus Christ and His Word to a LIVING, ORGANIC process in order to reach and minister to an ever-changing world.
At RECOVERY ALIVE we organize our program around the 3 P’s of recovery:
The POWER of recovery, THE PEOPLE of recovery, AND THE PROCESS of recovery… We not only believe in these 3 P’s, but we believe in them in the exact order that they are in. Believing that it is the Power of God to transform your life from any struggle. That you will have an opportunity to connect with the PEOPLE of recovery to build healthy connections that provide a safe place for you to grow. Then the PROCESS is where we will take you through the process of change of becoming more and more like Jesus where he will continue to transform your life.
Frequent Questions:
When We Meet:
Recovery Alive meets every Thursday night. We start with a free meal at 6:00. Go into our Power Group (main session in the sanctuary) at 7:00. People Groups beginning at 8:15.
What if I’m a newcomer?
We want you to come as you are. When you arrive in the parking lot just walk through the front doors and you will be greeted by someone from our First Impressions Team. They will guide you to our meal or the sanctuary. Just know that it was a courageous decision on your part to come to RA. Just know that you are not alone. We provide a family atmosphere for you and want to engage with you no matter your past or current situation. Stay around after our Power Group (Main session) for a special information group just for you called New Beginnings. This is where we will provide all that you will need to start on your recovery journey.
Do I have to sign up, pay or enroll?
Absolutely not. At Recovery Alive you can come as you are. No sign-ups, fee’s or any other enrollment procedures.
Do you have childcare?
Yes. We have a nursery from 6 months to 5 years old. We also have a children’s program from ages 5-12 called Adventures Alive. They will meet at the same time as the adults.
Can I bring my family?
Of course, we promote having everyone’s family to engage weather it’s a spouse, parent or any other relative. We believe that they will find a place of belonging as well.
Is Recovery Alive all about addiction?
No. This is a program for anyone with a Hurt, Habit or Hang-Up. To be honest, that’s all of us. So you will find people who are finding recovery from depression, Anxiety, Grief, Toxic Relationships, Codependency, Anger, Trauma and so much more.
Andy: I was addicted to drugs and alcohol for 20 plus years. I almost lost my life 3 times due to an overdose. I lost countless jobs and opportunities. I lived a miserable life. Then I married Sheena. She had two kids and I thought that would fix me or force me to fix myself, but it didn’t. I tried to hide from her and live a double life, but my sins caught up with me. I almost lost my beautiful wife and kids.
Sheena: When Andy overdosed and I found out he was still using behind my back I was devasted, hurt and betrayed. I was not sure if I could forgive him again or if our marriage would survive this. We met with our Pastor and he told me I had 3 options: forgive, fight or flee. I wanted to forgive, but I didn’t know if I could or should. Then he told us about Recovery Alive. So, we started going and I quickly realized that I was not alone, and I decided to fight for us. We decided to fight together, and God brought us through. We committed to RA and quickly joined a process group. While I was in that group, God was able to heal a lot of my hurt through the process.
Andy: We built a network of Godly influences and accountability teams while at Recovery Alive that helped us along our journey and our relationship with Jesus Christ. Our marriage is strong through Jesus and I now have 3 years redeemed from a life of addiction.
My name is Becky. My testimony tells of many transformations that only happened by surrendering to God. Below is one of those times.
I moved to Cleveland, TN to attend Lee College. My parents dropped me off, drove off and I was off to start my new life. I found myself in one of my first romantic relationships where I fell in love with a guy. After a few months, he indicates to me that he is in
love and convinces me, against all my convictions, to have sex with him and I lost my virginity and continued that relationship. Not long after, I became pregnant. I was so scared and nervous, and he suggested I need to have an abortion. NO WAY, this is what I was screaming inside. While he was convincing me, the Holy Spirit was convicting me, for the decision I was about to make. We left the clinic and the guy drove me back to my dorm. He dropped me off, drove off, and never really spoke to me again. I felt alone and abandoned. I ended up on a road of destruction because of the guilt and shame I carried. The devil had planted in my thinking that I had damned my soul to hell. But God!
In 2009 I rededicated my life to Christ and after a few years of twists and turns, I found myself at Recovery Alive and learned that God uses our mess and turns it into his message. I can testify that I am free of guilt, shame, and condemnation. I am still working on forgiveness of myself, but because of God’s grace, I can find healing in the sharing. For those reading this and you have a similar experience, GOD LOVES YOU and he will forgive you. For those reading this and you find yourself at the same crossroad of being convinced and convicted, Trust the Lord. He will either walk with you through motherhood or help you find a beautiful couple that can adopt your baby. CHOOSE LIFE. Jesus gave his life so you and your baby can have one. Come join us at Recovery Alive. YOU ARE NOT ALONE.